Moving Company Scams how to deal with them

Moving Company Scams: how to deal with them ?

Moving can be a stressful process, and unfortunately, some unscrupulous moving companies take advantage of this by engaging in scams and fraudulent practices. It's important to be aware of these scams and know how to protect yourself when choosing a moving company. In this article, we will discuss how to handle moving company scams and provide insights into identifying and reporting fraudulent activities.

We will also mention DocShipper Moving, which is a renowned moving company that provides reliable services.

Watch out for red fags and signs of moving fraud

When it comes to dealing with moving scams, it's crucial to watch out for red flags and signs of fraud. By being aware of these indicators, you can protect yourself from falling victim to fraudulent moving companies. Here are some tips to watch out for, based on my knowledge and using keywords such as customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, and customs duties, without citing the specific source mentioned.

First and foremost, pay attention to the legitimacy of the moving company's customs practices. Ensure that they follow proper customs procedures and adhere to customs duties. Reputable moving companies with experience in international moves should have a solid understanding of customs regulations and ensure the correct clearance of your belongings.

moving services

Be cautious of unregistered or unlicensed moving companies. Verify if the company is registered with regulatory bodies such as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to avoid potential scams.

Suspicious payment methods can be a red flag. Legitimate moving companies typically accept credit cards, while demanding payment through direct deposit or cash could indicate potential fraudulent activity.

Additionally, the lack of documentation should raise concerns. Legitimate companies are required to provide important documents, such as "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move," mandated by federal regulations. If a company fails to provide this documentation, exercise caution.

Lastly, negative reviews or unresolved complaints should be taken seriously. Research the moving company's reputation through online reviews and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website. An excessive number of unresolved complaints or a lack of studies can indicate potential fraudulent activity.

By being vigilant and watching out for these red flags and signs of fraud, you can better protect yourself when choosing a moving company and ensure a smooth and reliable moving experience.

infographie moving scams

What is a moving scam?

Moving scams can take various forms, but they generally involve dishonest tactics used by untrustworthy moving companies to exploit customers for financial gain. These scams often target individuals or businesses looking to relocate and can result in significant financial loss, damaged belongings, or even the loss of possessions.

moving processOne common type of moving scam involves overcharging customers. This can occur when a moving company inflates the costs of services, including customs duties, or provides inaccurate estimates. Customers may end up paying much more than originally agreed upon, leading to financial hardship.

Another scam involves holding items, hostage. In this situation, a moving company may refuse to deliver a customer's belongings unless they pay additional fees, often related to customs duties. This practice is not only unfair but can also cause significant distress and financial burden.

Customs-related scams can also occur during the moving process. Some moving companies may engage in incorrect customs procedures, such as mislabeling packages or providing false customs documentation. These fraudulent practices can lead to legal complications and potential fines for customers.

Furthermore, moving scams can involve improper handling of customs duties. Dishonest moving companies may attempt to evade or understate customs duties, leading to legal consequences for customers and potential issues with customs authorities.

It is essential to be cautious and proactive when dealing with moving companies to avoid falling victim to these scams. Researching the reputation of a moving company, checking for proper licensing and registration, and carefully reviewing all documentation and estimates are important steps to take. Additionally, understanding customs regulations and having clear communication with the moving company regarding customs clearance and duties can help protect against potential scams.

By being aware of the signs of moving scams and taking preventive measures, individuals and businesses can minimize the risk of encountering fraudulent moving companies and ensure a smooth and secure moving process.

What is not a scam exactly?

A legitimate moving service is one that operates transparently, adheres to legal regulations, and provides honest and reliable assistance to customers throughout the moving process. While I cannot directly cite the specific source provided, I can offer you an answer based on my knowledge and incorporate key terms such as customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, and customs duties.

A legitimate moving company ensures that all customs procedures are conducted correctly and in compliance with the relevant regulations. They have a clear understanding of customs requirements, including customs clearance and customs duties. These companies work diligently to facilitate the smooth passage of goods through customs, ensuring that all necessary documentation is accurate and complete.

moving xcamsUnlike scams, legitimate moving companies do not engage in deceptive practices or attempt to defraud customers. They provide accurate estimates of costs, including customs duties, and do not engage in overcharging or holding items hostage for additional payments. They maintain transparency throughout the process, clearly explaining all fees and charges related to customs and other moving services.

Furthermore, legitimate moving companies prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to provide high-quality service. They have a positive reputation and can be verified through licenses, registrations, and customer reviews. These companies prioritize professionalism, effective communication, and the safe transportation of belongings.

In summary, a legitimate moving company is one that operates within the boundaries of the law, follows customs regulations, and provides honest and reliable services. They ensure proper customs clearance, accurate customs documentation, and fair treatment of customers in regard to customs duties. By partnering with a legitimate moving company, individuals and businesses can experience a smooth and lawful moving process, free from fraudulent activities or scams.

DocShipper Alert: By partnering with experts in the field, you can receive guidance on customs compliance, documentation requirements, and risk mitigation strategies. This proactive approach not only helps prevent customs fraud but also safeguards businesses from potential legal consequences. Our experienced team at DocShipper is here to assist you in all your shipping steps and provide valuable advice tailored to your needs. Contact us today, and let us help you navigate the complex world of shipping.

How and when should you prepare a complaint?

Receiving overcharges 

Overcharges can occur in relation to customs duties or other services during the moving process. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the customs clearance process and the associated costs to identify any discrepancies. Legitimate moving companies with experience in international moves should have a solid understanding of customs regulations and ensure accurate custom clearance for your belongings.

customs clearance moving processIn the context of customs, overcharging may involve inflating the costs associated with customs duties or misrepresenting the fees involved in the customs clearance process. This can be a red flag for potential scams or dishonest practices. Legitimate moving companies prioritize transparency and provide accurate estimates of customs duties and other related charges.

Keeping a record of all communication with the moving company is essential. Document the dates, times, and names of the individuals you spoke with and the details of your complaint. This documentation will serve as evidence if further action is necessary.

If the moving company fails to provide a satisfactory resolution, you may consider filing a complaint with the relevant organizations. Research the regulatory bodies, consumer protection agencies, or trade associations that handle complaints regarding customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or other moving-related concerns. Follow their reporting procedures and provide them with the necessary information and supporting evidence.

By addressing overcharges and taking appropriate action, you can protect yourself from potential scams, ensure fair treatment during the moving process, and promote transparency and compliance with customs regulations

When your items are held by the moving company 

steps of moving process

If a moving company withholds or refuses to deliver your belongings until you pay an excessive amount of money, it can be considered holding your items hostage. This situation could involve customs-related issues such as incorrect customs documentation or attempts to charge additional fees unlawfully.

In cases where your items are being held by the moving company, it is essential to take the appropriate steps to resolve the situation. Here are some suggested actions:

  1. Contact the Moving Company: Start by reaching out to the moving company directly to address the issue. Clearly communicate your concerns and ask for an explanation as to why your items are being held. Inquire about any customs-related matters that may be causing the delay.
  2. Understand the Customs Clearance Process: Familiarize yourself with the customs clearance process to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the requirements and obligations involved. This knowledge can help you identify any potential irregularities or violations on the part of the moving company.
  3. Seek Legal Advice: If the moving company's actions appear to be unlawful or unjustified, it may be necessary to consult with a legal professional who specializes in matters related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or similar issues. They can provide guidance on your rights and the best course of action to resolve the situation.
  4. Document the Issue: Keep a record of all communication with the moving company, including dates, times, and the names of individuals you speak with. Document any relevant information pertaining to the customs clearance process, customs documentation, or attempts to charge additional fees. This documentation will be valuable if further action needs to be taken.
  5. Report the Issue: If you believe the moving company is engaging in fraudulent practices or violating customs regulations, consider reporting the situation to the appropriate regulatory bodies, consumer protection agencies, or trade associations. Provide them with all the necessary details and any supporting evidence related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or other relevant aspects.

By taking these steps, you can address the issue of your items being held by the moving company and work towards a resolution. It is crucial to protect your rights, ensure compliance with customs regulations, and seek a fair and timely delivery of your belongings.

Other circumstances 

Here are the general steps to consider:

  1. Gather Information: Collect all relevant information about the issue you encountered during the moving process. This includes details about the specific circumstances, any communications or agreements with the moving company, and any supporting documentation related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or other relevant matters.
  2. Understand Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with your rights as a consumer when it comes to moving services and customs regulations. This knowledge will help you determine if the moving company has violated any regulations or contractual obligations.
  3. Document the Complaint: Keep a record of all communication with the moving company. Note down the dates, times, and names of individuals you interact with. Document the details of your complaint, including any relevant evidence or supporting documents related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or other moving-related issues.
  4. Escalate the Complaint: If the moving company does not respond or fails to provide a satisfactory resolution, consider escalating the complaint to higher-level representatives within the company. Provide them with a clear and concise summary of the issue and any previous communication you have had with the company.
  5. Research Regulatory Bodies: Conduct research to identify the appropriate regulatory bodies, consumer protection agencies, or trade associations that handle complaints related to moving company issues. These organizations specialize in addressing such matters and can provide guidance and support.
  6. File a Complaint: Follow the specific procedures outlined by the identified organizations to file your complaint. This may involve filling out complaint forms, submitting relevant documentation, and providing a detailed account of the issue, incorporating the keywords related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or any other pertinent information.
  7. Maintain Records: Keep copies of all documentation related to your complaint, including your initial communication with the moving company and any subsequent correspondence with regulatory bodies or consumer protection agencies. These records will serve as evidence of your efforts and can help track the progress of your complaint.

DocShipper Info: By following these steps, you can effectively prepare and submit a complaint in circumstances other than receiving overcharges or items being held by the moving company. It's important to assert your rights, seek a fair resolution, and contribute to the accountability of moving companies in complying with customs regulations and providing quality services. DocShipper can help you in all your steps. Contact us to learn more about DocShipper services.

How to divulge a moving scam and fraud 

File a complaint document  against  the mover

To disclose a moving scam or fraud and file a complaint against the mover, there are several steps you can take. First, it's important to gather evidence that supports your claims. This may include contracts, invoices, photographs, or any other documentation that proves the fraudulent practices or scams related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or other relevant aspects.

moving company scamsNext, you should document your complaint in detail. Provide a clear and concise account of the incidents, including specific dates, names of individuals involved, and a chronological timeline of events. 

Contact consumer protection agencies that specialize in handling complaints related to moving scams and fraud. Research and identify the appropriate agencies or regulatory bodies that can address your concerns. Follow their procedures for filing a complaint, ensuring that you provide a comprehensive description of the fraudulent practices or scams and attach any supporting evidence you have collected.

It is essential to maintain records of all your interactions and correspondence related to the complaint. Keep copies of your complaint document, as well as any responses or communications from the consumer protection agencies. These records serve as evidence and help you track the progress of your case.

If the moving scam or fraud involves significant financial loss or potential legal implications, it may be wise to seek legal advice. Consult with an attorney who specializes in consumer protection or moving-related issues. They can provide you with personalized legal advice, assess the strength of your case, and guide you through the legal process if necessary.

In addition to taking legal action, consider raising awareness about your experience to help others avoid falling victim to similar scams or fraudulent practices. Share your story on online platforms, write reviews, or participate in community forums to educate others about the importance of customs compliance, accurate custom clearance, and understanding customs duties.

Report  the moving company  to the right instance

When you come across moving scams and fraud, it is essential to take action and report the offending moving company to the right instance. Reporting is a crucial step in addressing the issue and protecting others from falling victim to similar fraudulent practices. When it comes to divulging moving scams and fraud related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, and other relevant factors, here is what you should do:

Start by conducting thorough research to identify the appropriate authorities or organizations that handle complaints related to moving scams and fraud. Look for regulatory bodies, consumer protection agencies, or trade associations specializing in addressing issues associated with customs and other relevant aspects.

Gather all necessary information about your complaint. Include details about the moving company involved specific instances of scams or fraudulent practices encountered, and any supporting evidence you may have. This evidence could be related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or other relevant aspects. The more information you can provide, the stronger your case becomes.

truck moving

Contact the identified authorities or organizations using their designated channels of communication. This may involve making phone calls, sending emails, or completing online complaint forms. Clearly and concisely describe the issue at hand, emphasizing the keywords associated with customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, and other relevant terms. Attach any supporting documentation to substantiate your complaint.

Follow the reporting procedures outlined by the authorities or organizations. They may have specific forms to complete, additional documentation requirements, or guidelines to follow. Adhering to these procedures ensures that your complaint receives proper attention and consideration.

Maintain detailed records of all your interactions with the authorities or organizations. Keep track of dates, times, and the names of the individuals you spoke with. Note any reference numbers or case IDs assigned to your complaint. These records serve as evidence of your efforts and can help you track the progress of your complaint.

By reporting the moving company to the appropriate instance, you play a crucial role in exposing moving scams and fraud. Your actions contribute to safeguarding others from falling victim to customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, and other fraudulent practices. Together, we can help create a safer and more trustworthy moving industry.

When nothing works, consider suing the company 

When all other attempts to resolve the issues related to moving scams and fraud with a moving company have failed, taking legal action by suing the company may become necessary.

Before considering legal action, there are several important factors to keep in mind:

First, gather evidence: Collect all relevant evidence that supports your claim of moving scams and fraud. This includes any correspondence, contracts, invoices, receipts, or other documents that demonstrate the company's fraudulent practices, including those related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, and customs duties.

Second, consult with a lawyer: Seek the advice of a lawyer who specializes in consumer protection or has experience in handling cases related to moving scams and fraud. They will provide you with legal guidance, assess the strength of your case, and help you understand the available legal options.

reliable moving companyNext, evaluate feasibility: Assess the feasibility of pursuing legal action by considering factors such as the potential costs involved, including attorney fees and court expenses, as well as the time and effort required to pursue the lawsuit. Determine whether the potential outcome justifies the resources invested.

Understand applicable laws: Familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations regarding moving scams and fraud, as well as any specific regulations related to customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, and customs duties. Your lawyer will guide you through the legal process and ensure that your case is aligned with the applicable laws.

Anticipate challenges: Be prepared for potential challenges that may arise during the legal proceedings. These could include the burden of proof, potential counterclaims from the moving company, or the need to present strong evidence to support your claims. Your lawyer will help you anticipate and address these challenges.

Weigh the pros and cons: Carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing legal action. Evaluate the potential outcomes, the likelihood of success, and the impact it may have on your time, finances, and overall well-being. Make an informed decision based on a comprehensive assessment of your situation.

It's important to note that the information provided here is general guidance and should not replace professional legal advice. Each case is unique, and the specific circumstances should be evaluated by a qualified attorney who can provide personalized guidance based on your situation.

Hacks for choosing a reliable moving company 

When it comes to choosing a reliable moving company and protecting yourself from moving scams and fraud, there are several key strategies to consider. 

Conducting thorough research is essential. Take the time to investigate different moving companies and gather information about their reputation and track record. Look for online reviews, testimonials, and ratings from previous customers. This will give you valuable insights into their reliability and customer satisfaction.

meeting to choose a moving companyVerifying credentials is another crucial step. Ensure that the moving company you are considering has the necessary licenses and certifications to operate legally. If customs-related matters are involved, check if they have expertise in customs, customs clearance, customs scams, incorrect customs, customs duties, or any other relevant areas. This will help ensure that they are knowledgeable and experienced in handling these aspects of the moving process.

Obtaining multiple quotes from different moving companies is also recommended. This allows you to compare the services offered, pricing, and any additional fees or charges. Be cautious of significantly low or high quotes, as they could indicate potential scams or hidden costs. Look for a balance between competitive pricing and quality service.

Checking insurance coverage is vital for protecting your belongings during the move. Inquire about the insurance options provided by the moving company and ask for detailed information about what is covered in case of damage, loss, or theft. A reliable company should offer adequate insurance coverage to provide you with peace of mind.

Seeking recommendations from trusted sources can also be beneficial. Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who have recently moved and ask for their experiences and recommendations. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights and help you narrow down your choices to reputable moving companies.

Lastly, trust your instincts. Pay attention to how the moving company communicates with you, their professionalism, and any red flags that may arise during your interactions. If something feels off or suspicious, it's important to trust your intuition and consider alternative options.

By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of choosing a reliable moving company while minimizing the risk of falling victim to moving scams and fraud. Remember to prioritize thorough research, verification of credentials, and trustworthiness when making your decision.

DocShipper Advice: If you don't want to face all these customs problems, DocShipper can assist you throughout your whole supply chain process by taking care of your shipping burdens. Our experts will help you better manage the customs clearance step and ensure compliance with all regulations. For more information, contact our DocShipper and get a free quote.


Dealing with moving company scams requires vigilance and knowledge of your rights as a consumer. By understanding red flags and indicators of fraud, knowing what constitutes a scam, taking appropriate steps to file complaints, and reporting fraudulent activities, you can protect yourself from unscrupulous moving companies. Remember to gather evidence, document your interactions, and consult with legal professionals when necessary. Moving should be a smooth and positive experience, and by being informed, you can ensure that you choose a reputable and trustworthy moving company. Contact us to benefit from our high-quality moving services!

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